OUTAGE: Electric 913.573.9522 | Water 913.573.9622
Electric 913.573.9522
Water 913.573.9622
BPU is a Leader in Renewable Green Energy
A street corner during the day. It's the junction of 6th street and Minnesota Avenue.

BPU is a Leader in Renewable Green Energy

Beat the heat, save money, and protect the environment

(KANSAS CITY, Ks) — Renewable energy sources like the sun, wind, and water are clean, environmentally friendly alternatives to coal generated electricity. Over the years, the Kansas City Board of Public Utilities (BPU) has worked to diversify its energy portfolio reliance on coal and natural gas to become one of the “greenest” public utilities in the nation.

From a capacity standpoint, BPU is well beyond the current State of Kansas’ Renewable Energy Standard goal of 15%, and is at three times the state’s goal of 20% renewable capacity for utilities by 2020.

Today, 48% of BPU’s energy comes from renewable energy sources, including the Cimarron Bend, Smoky Hills and Alexander wind farms, the Bowersock hydropower plant on the Kansas River, Methane gas energy from the Oak Grove Landfill and BPU’s Community Solar farm.

“Maintaining a well-diversified mix of generation capabilities allows BPU to provide affordable, reliable, and environmentally friendly energy to our community and customers,” stated David Mehlhaff, Chief Communications Officer of BPU. “We are proud to be a recognized industry leader, with renewable energy sources now exceeding BPU’s coal generation output for the first time in history.”

About BPU

BPU’s water department was originally created in 1909, and its electric utility was operational in 1912. The purpose of the utility, then and to this day, is to provide the highest quality electric and water services at the lowest possible cost. Today the publicly owned utility serves approximately 65,000 electric and 53,000 water customers, primarily in Wyandotte County, Kansas. The mission of the utility and its employees is “to focus on the needs of our customers, to improve the quality of life in our community while promoting safe, reliable and sustainable utilities.” BPU’s Web site is www.bpu.com


540 Minnesota Avenue
Kansas City, KS 66101-2930
(913) 573-9000 Contact Us

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