On December 16, 2021, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) published the Lead and Copper Rule Revisions (LCRR) in the Federal Register to better protect public health.
Part of the requirements from this update is for utilities to make an inventory of all service lines in their service territory available to all customers via their website.
Click here to view BPU’s Service Line Inventory, and find out what materials are in your service line.
What is the Service Line Inventory?
In 1986, the EPA banned the installation of lead service lines. The rule went into effect in 1988, meaning that service lines installed before this date could have potentially contained lead.
The LCCR requires that utilities create an inventory of the material used in service lines in their community. Service lines are the pipes that connect homes and businesses to the water main.

How did BPU create the Service Line Inventory?
BPU, to ensure the safety of drinking water in our community, began a comprehensive effort to identify service line material for each of our 53,000+ customers.
Our staff began to review historical documents to verify the types of materials used in service line installations. The documents included distribution system maps, historical drawing records for each connection, meter installation records, work orders, standard operating procedures and more.
BPU also sent troubleshooters to over 11,000 homes to verify service line materials by looking directly into meter pits. A hydro excavation truck was utilized to identify services that were buried over time.
Please email LeadCopperRule@bpu.com.