OUTAGE: Electric 913.573.9522 | Water 913.573.9622
Electric 913.573.9522
Water 913.573.9622

Need to report a claim?

If you believe BPU caused damage to your property, you’re entitled to submit a claim seeking compensation. You will need to complete the ‘Claim Damages Report’ form and ‘Property Claim Inventory’ worksheet so that an investigation can be conducted.

Please download the forms. Make sure you complete all the questions, sign and return them as soon as possible to avoid any delays.

Explain what happened, when it happened and why you believe the Kansas City Board of Public Utilities is responsible.

List damages and/or damaged property and provide repair estimates of damage and other requested information.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Katie Burke at 913.573.9566 or email kburke@bpu.com.



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Kansas City, KS 66101-2930
(913) 573-9000 Contact Us

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