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technology  systems  designed  to  enhance  utility  operations,  ensuring
      Bill  was  a  pivotal  role  in  introducing  and  advancing  enterprise
      responsibility,  sustainability,  reliability,  and  community  engagement.
      nation’s  top  municipal  utilities.  His  strategic  vision  emphasized  fiscal
      Under  Bill’s  stewardship,  BPU  has  been  recognized  as  one  of  the
      BPU’s infrastructure and technological capabilities.
                                                                     the true spirit of community and the holiday season
 the true spirit of community and the holiday season
      His vision and leadership in these areas was instrumental in advancing
                                                                     County. Their heartfelt efforts brought warmth and kindness, reflecting
 County. Their heartfelt efforts brought warmth and kindness, reflecting
      Information Technology, Telecommunications, and Fleet Maintenance.
 and their families delivered meals to 16 families across Wyandotte
                                                                     and their families delivered meals to 16 families across Wyandotte
      Electric  Transmission  and  Distribution,  Electrical  Engineering,
                                                                     This Thanksgiving, members of the BPU Employee Foundation members
 This Thanksgiving, members of the BPU Employee Foundation members
      Operations  and  Technology  division,  overseeing  critical  areas  such  as
      was appointed General Manager in April 2019, he directed the Electric
                                                                     Serving Smiles on Thanksgiving
 Serving Smiles on Thanksgiving
      allowed  him  to  influence  and  modernize  BPU’s  operations.  Before  he
 BPU Employee Foundation:
                                                                     BPU Employee Foundation:
      Over  the  years,  Bill  ascended  through  the  ranks,  taking  on  roles  that
            integrity, and a deep connection to the community he has served so passionately.
            While  Bill  may  be  stepping  down,  the  legacy  he  leaves  behind  is  one  of  innovation,
      equipping him with the skills to navigate the complexities of the utility
 Continued on page 2
      excellence  led  him  to  earn  an  MBA  from  Ottawa  University  in  2007,
      demonstrated  a  relentless  drive  to  learn  and  develop.  His  pursuit  of
 fostering a spirit of service and collaboration.
                                                                     fostering a spirit of service and collaboration.
      Bill’s  career  with  BPU  began  in  an  entry-level  position,  where  he
                                                                      dedication  to  improving  quality  of  life  in  Wyandotte  County  and
 dedication  to  improving  quality  of  life  in  Wyandotte  County  and
                                                                      Boys & Girls Club board member. These roles are just a sample of his
      the Wyandotte County community.
 Boys & Girls Club board member. These roles are just a sample of his
                                                                      a  board  member  for  the  Greater  Kansas  City  United  Way,  and  a  past
      by dedication, visionary leadership, and an unwavering commitment to
 a  board  member  for  the  Greater  Kansas  City  United  Way,  and  a  past
      remarkable 45-year journey with the organization -- a journey marked
 organizations. He has served as President of Kansas Municipal Utilities,
                                                                      organizations. He has served as President of Kansas Municipal Utilities,
                                                                     community  is  evident  through  his  involvement  with  various
      the  Kansas  City  Board  of  Public  Utilities  (BPU),  we  reflect  on  his
 community  is  evident  through  his  involvement  with  various
      As Bill Johnson prepares to retire from his role as General Manager of
 Beyond  his  professional  achievements,  Bill’s  commitment  to
                                                                     Beyond  his  professional  achievements,  Bill’s  commitment  to
      A Legacy of Leadership and Commitment to Community
                                                                                           reliable and sustainable utilities.
 reliable and sustainable utilities.
      reliable and sustainable utilities.
                                                                                           our community while promoting safe,
 our community while promoting safe,
      our  community  while  promoting  safe,
 customers, to improve the quality of life in
                                                                                           customers, to improve the quality of life in
      customers, to improve the quality of life in
 Our mission: to focus on the needs of our
                                                                                           Our mission: to focus on the needs of our
      Our  mission:  to  focus  on  the  needs  of  our
                                                                                                               Cold Weather Rule
 Cold Weather Rule
                                                                                         Customer Assistance
 Customer Assistance
                                                                   BPU Golf Tournament
 BPU Golf Tournament
                       Serving the water and electric needs of Kansas City, Kansas
 WINTER 2024
                                                                                                                WINTER 2024

       Serving the water and electric needs of Kansas City, Kansas  integrity, and a deep connection to the community he has served so passionately.  While  Bill  may  be  stepping  down,  the  legacy  he  leaves  behind  is  one  of  innovation,  that BPU remained on the forefront of industry innovation.   technology  systems  designed  to  enhance  utility  operations,  ensuring  Bill  was  a  pivotal  role  in  introducing  and  advancing  enterprise  responsibility,  sustainability,  reliability,  and  comm
 WINTER 2024   Serving the water and electric needs of Kansas City, Kansas  Serving the water and electric needs of Kansas City, Kansas  WINTER 2024   WINTER 2024                                                                            Serving the water and electric needs of Kansas City, Kansas
 8  Cold Weather Rule  5  Customer Assistance  Programs  2  BPU Golf Tournament  Fundraising  BPU Golf Tournament 2  Customer Assistance 5  Cold Weather Rule 8  8  Cold Weather Rule  5  Customer Assistance  Programs  2  BPU Golf Tournament  Fundraising
 Our mission: to focus on the needs of our  Our  mission:  to  focus  on  the  needs  of  our  Our  mission:  to  focus  on  the  needs  of  our  Our mission: to focus on the needs of our  Our mission: to focus on the needs of our                         Our  mission:  to  focus  on  the  needs  of  our
 customers, to improve the quality of life in  customers, to improve the quality of life in  customers, to improve the quality of life in  customers, to improve the quality of life in  customers, to improve the quality of life in                          customers, to improve the quality of life in
 our community while promoting safe,  our  community  while  promoting  safe,  our  community  while  promoting  safe,  our community while promoting safe,               our community while promoting safe,                                                  our  community  while  promoting  safe,
 reliable and sustainable utilities.  reliable and sustainable utilities.  reliable and sustainable utilities.  reliable and sustainable utilities.                       reliable and sustainable utilities.                                                  reliable and sustainable utilities.
 RECOGNIZING BILL JOHNSON  RECOGNIZING BILL JOHNSON                                                                                                                                                                                                            RECOGNIZING BILL JOHNSON
 A Legacy of Leadership and Commitment to Community  A Legacy of Leadership and Commitment to Community                                                                                                                                                        A Legacy of Leadership and Commitment to Community
 Beyond  his  professional  achievements,  Bill’s  commitment  to  As Bill Johnson prepares to retire from his role as General Manager of  As Bill Johnson prepares to retire from his role as General Manager of  Beyond  his  professional  achievements,  Bill’s  commitment  to  Beyond  his  professional  achievements,  Bill’s  commitment  to  As Bill Johnson prepares to retire from his role as General Manager of
 community  is  evident  through  his  involvement  with  various  the  Kansas  City  Board  of  Public  Utilities  (BPU),  we  reflect  on  his  the  Kansas  City  Board  of  Public  Utilities  (BPU),  we  reflect  on  his  community  is  evident  through  his  involvement  with  various  community  is  evident  through  his  involvement  with  various  the  Kansas  City  Board  of  Public  Utilities  (BPU),  we  reflect  on  his
 organizations. He has served as President of Kansas Municipal Utilities,  remarkable 45-year journey with the organization -- a journey marked  remarkable 45-year journey with the organization -- a journey marked  organizations. He has served as President of Kansas Municipal Utilities,  organizations. He has served as President of Kansas Municipal Utilities,  remarkable 45-year journey with the organization -- a journey marked
 a  board  member  for  the  Greater  Kansas  City  United  Way,  and  a  past  by dedication, visionary leadership, and an unwavering commitment to  by dedication, visionary leadership, and an unwavering commitment to  a  board  member  for  the  Greater  Kansas  City  United  Way,  and  a  past  a  board  member  for  the  Greater  Kansas  City  United  Way,  and  a  past  by dedication, visionary leadership, and an unwavering commitment to
 Boys & Girls Club board member. These roles are just a sample of his  the Wyandotte County community.  the Wyandotte County community.  Boys & Girls Club board member. These roles are just a sample of his  Boys & Girls Club board member. These roles are just a sample of his  the Wyandotte County community.
 dedication  to  improving  quality  of  life  in  Wyandotte  County  and  dedication  to  improving  quality  of  life  in  Wyandotte  County  and                                             dedication  to  improving  quality  of  life  in  Wyandotte  County  and
 Bill’s  career  with  BPU  began  in  an  entry-level  position,  where  he  Bill’s  career  with  BPU  began  in  an  entry-level  position,  where  he                                                                                                      Bill’s  career  with  BPU  began  in  an  entry-level  position,  where  he
 fostering a spirit of service and collaboration.                    fostering a spirit of service and collaboration.                                                                           fostering a spirit of service and collaboration.
 demonstrated  a  relentless  drive  to  learn  and  develop.  His  pursuit  of  demonstrated  a  relentless  drive  to  learn  and  develop.  His  pursuit  of                                                                                                demonstrated  a  relentless  drive  to  learn  and  develop.  His  pursuit  of
 excellence  led  him  to  earn  an  MBA  from  Ottawa  University  in  2007,  excellence  led  him  to  earn  an  MBA  from  Ottawa  University  in  2007,                                                                                                    excellence  led  him  to  earn  an  MBA  from  Ottawa  University  in  2007,
 Continued on page 2  equipping him with the skills to navigate the complexities of the utility  equipping him with the skills to navigate the complexities of the utility  Continued on page 2  Continued on page 2                                           equipping him with the skills to navigate the complexities of the utility
 industry.   industry.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         industry.
 While  Bill  may  be  stepping  down,  the  legacy  he  leaves  behind  is  one  of  innovation,  While  Bill  may  be  stepping  down,  the  legacy  he  leaves  behind  is  one  of  innovation,                                                      While  Bill  may  be  stepping  down,  the  legacy  he  leaves  behind  is  one  of  innovation,
 integrity, and a deep connection to the community he has served so passionately.  integrity, and a deep connection to the community he has served so passionately.                                                                                      integrity, and a deep connection to the community he has served so passionately.
 Over  the  years,  Bill  ascended  through  the  ranks,  taking  on  roles  that  Over  the  years,  Bill  ascended  through  the  ranks,  taking  on  roles  that                                                                                            Over  the  years,  Bill  ascended  through  the  ranks,  taking  on  roles  that
 BPU Employee Foundation:   allowed  him  to  influence  and  modernize  BPU’s  operations.  Before  he  allowed  him  to  influence  and  modernize  BPU’s  operations.  Before  he  BPU Employee Foundation:   BPU Employee Foundation:                      allowed  him  to  influence  and  modernize  BPU’s  operations.  Before  he
 Serving Smiles on Thanksgiving  was appointed General Manager in April 2019, he directed the Electric  was appointed General Manager in April 2019, he directed the Electric  Serving Smiles on Thanksgiving  Serving Smiles on Thanksgiving                  was appointed General Manager in April 2019, he directed the Electric
 Operations  and  Technology  division,  overseeing  critical  areas  such  as  Operations  and  Technology  division,  overseeing  critical  areas  such  as                                                                                                  Operations  and  Technology  division,  overseeing  critical  areas  such  as
 This Thanksgiving, members of the BPU Employee Foundation members   This Thanksgiving, members of the BPU Employee Foundation members                                                           This Thanksgiving, members of the BPU Employee Foundation members
 and their families delivered meals to 16 families across Wyandotte  Electric  Transmission  and  Distribution,  Electrical  Engineering,  Electric  Transmission  and  Distribution,  Electrical  Engineering,  and their families delivered meals to 16 families across Wyandotte  and their families delivered meals to 16 families across Wyandotte  Electric  Transmission  and  Distribution,  Electrical  Engineering,
 Information Technology, Telecommunications, and Fleet Maintenance.  Information Technology, Telecommunications, and Fleet Maintenance.                                                                                                                        Information Technology, Telecommunications, and Fleet Maintenance.
 County. Their heartfelt efforts brought warmth and kindness, reflecting  County. Their heartfelt efforts brought warmth and kindness, reflecting                                                County. Their heartfelt efforts brought warmth and kindness, reflecting
 the true spirit of community and the holiday season  His vision and leadership in these areas was instrumental in advancing  His vision and leadership in these areas was instrumental in advancing  the true spirit of community and the holiday season  the true spirit of community and the holiday season  His vision and leadership in these areas was instrumental in advancing
 BPU’s infrastructure and technological capabilities.   BPU’s infrastructure and technological capabilities.                                                                                                                                                   BPU’s infrastructure and technological capabilities.
 Under  Bill’s  stewardship,  BPU  has  been  recognized  as  one  of  the  Under  Bill’s  stewardship,  BPU  has  been  recognized  as  one  of  the                                                                                                          Under  Bill’s  stewardship,  BPU  has  been  recognized  as  one  of  the
 nation’s  top  municipal  utilities.  His  strategic  vision  emphasized  fiscal  nation’s  top  municipal  utilities.  His  strategic  vision  emphasized  fiscal                                                                                            nation’s  top  municipal  utilities.  His  strategic  vision  emphasized  fiscal
 responsibility,  sustainability,  reliability,  and  community  engagement.  responsibility,  sustainability,  reliability,  and  community  engagement.                                                                                                      responsibility,  sustainability,  reliability,  and  community  engagement.
 Bill  was  a  pivotal  role  in  introducing  and  advancing  enterprise  Bill  was  a  pivotal  role  in  introducing  and  advancing  enterprise                                                                                                            Bill  was  a  pivotal  role  in  introducing  and  advancing  enterprise
 technology  systems  designed  to  enhance  utility  operations,  ensuring  technology  systems  designed  to  enhance  utility  operations,  ensuring                                                                                                        technology  systems  designed  to  enhance  utility  operations,  ensuring
 that BPU remained on the forefront of industry innovation.      Serving the water and electric needs of Kansas City, Kansas  integrity, and a deep connection to the community he has served so passionately.  While  Bill  may  be  stepping  down,  the  legacy  he  leaves  behind  is  one  of  innovation,  that BPU remained on the forefront of industry innovation.   technology  systems  designed  to  enhance  utility  operations,  ensuring  Bill  was  a  pivotal  role  in  introducing  and  advancing  enterprise
      that BPU remained on the forefront of industry innovation.
      technology  systems  designed  to  enhance  utility  operations,  ensuring
      Bill  was  a  pivotal  role  in  introducing  and  advancing  enterprise
      responsibility,  sustainability,  reliability,  and  community  engagement.
      nation’s  top  municipal  utilities.  His  strategic  vision  emphasized  fiscal
      Under  Bill’s  stewardship,  BPU  has  been  recognized  as  one  of  the
      BPU’s infrastructure and technological capabilities.
 the true spirit of community and the holiday season
                                                                     the true spirit of community and the holiday season
      His vision and leadership in these areas was instrumental in advancing
                                                                     County. Their heartfelt efforts brought warmth and kindness, reflecting
 County. Their heartfelt efforts brought warmth and kindness, reflecting
      Information Technology, Telecommunications, and Fleet Maintenance.
                                                                     and their families delivered meals to 16 families across Wyandotte
 and their families delivered meals to 16 families across Wyandotte
      Electric  Transmission  and  Distribution,  Electrical  Engineering,
                                                                     This Thanksgiving, members of the BPU Employee Foundation members
 This Thanksgiving, members of the BPU Employee Foundation members
      Operations  and  Technology  division,  overseeing  critical  areas  such  as
      was appointed General Manager in April 2019, he directed the Electric
 Serving Smiles on Thanksgiving
                                                                     Serving Smiles on Thanksgiving
      allowed  him  to  influence  and  modernize  BPU’s  operations.  Before  he
 BPU Employee Foundation:
                                                                     BPU Employee Foundation:
      Over  the  years,  Bill  ascended  through  the  ranks,  taking  on  roles  that
            integrity, and a deep connection to the community he has served so passionately.
            While  Bill  may  be  stepping  down,  the  legacy  he  leaves  behind  is  one  of  innovation,
      equipping him with the skills to navigate the complexities of the utility
 Continued on page 2
      excellence  led  him  to  earn  an  MBA  from  Ottawa  University  in  2007,
      demonstrated  a  relentless  drive  to  learn  and  develop.  His  pursuit  of
                                                                     fostering a spirit of service and collaboration.
 fostering a spirit of service and collaboration.
      Bill’s  career  with  BPU  began  in  an  entry-level  position,  where  he
 dedication  to  improving  quality  of  life  in  Wyandotte  County  and
                                                                      dedication  to  improving  quality  of  life  in  Wyandotte  County  and
      the Wyandotte County community.
 Boys & Girls Club board member. These roles are just a sample of his
                                                                      Boys & Girls Club board member. These roles are just a sample of his
 a  board  member  for  the  Greater  Kansas  City  United  Way,  and  a  past
      by dedication, visionary leadership, and an unwavering commitment to
                                                                      a  board  member  for  the  Greater  Kansas  City  United  Way,  and  a  past
      remarkable 45-year journey with the organization -- a journey marked
 organizations. He has served as President of Kansas Municipal Utilities,
                                                                      organizations. He has served as President of Kansas Municipal Utilities,
                                                                     community  is  evident  through  his  involvement  with  various
 community  is  evident  through  his  involvement  with  various
      the  Kansas  City  Board  of  Public  Utilities  (BPU),  we  reflect  on  his
      As Bill Johnson prepares to retire from his role as General Manager of
 Beyond  his  professional  achievements,  Bill’s  commitment  to
                                                                     Beyond  his  professional  achievements,  Bill’s  commitment  to
      A Legacy of Leadership and Commitment to Community

 reliable and sustainable utilities.
                                                                                           reliable and sustainable utilities.
      reliable and sustainable utilities.
 our community while promoting safe,
                                                                                           our community while promoting safe,
      our  community  while  promoting  safe,
                                                                                           customers, to improve the quality of life in
 customers, to improve the quality of life in
      customers, to improve the quality of life in
                                                                                           Our mission: to focus on the needs of our
 Our mission: to focus on the needs of our
      Our  mission:  to  focus  on  the  needs  of  our
                                                                                                               Cold Weather Rule
 Cold Weather Rule
 Customer Assistance
                                                                                         Customer Assistance
 BPU Golf Tournament
                                                                   BPU Golf Tournament
                       Serving the water and electric needs of Kansas City, Kansas
                                                                                                                WINTER 2024
 WINTER 2024
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