OUTAGE: Electric 913.573.9522 | Water 913.573.9622
Electric 913.573.9522
Water 913.573.9622
Avoid Fraud
Avoid Fraud


The key to avoiding fraud is knowledge.

A little knowledge can go a long way in preventing scammers from taking advantage of you. BPU has put together the following video and facts to help empower you to spot, avoid and report fraud. Together, we have the power to make our community safer.

Avoid utility scams and keep these fraud-fighting tips in mind:

  • Always ask to see an official BPU ID if someone approaches you, your home, or your business and says they work for BPU.
  • If you get a call and you’re not sure if the person is a BPU employee, ask for their name, hang up, call us at (913) 573-9190 and ask for the employee.

Common scams:
Scams can take various forms, but some of the most common ones include:

  • Impersonation Scams: Scammers may pose as BPU employees, either in person or over the phone, and demand immediate payment for allegedly overdue bills. Contact us immediately if you think you’ve received a suspicious phone call.
  • Phishing Emails: Scammers send emails that appear to be from BPU, asking you to click on a link and provide personal or financial information. These emails often contain official-looking logos and language designed to deceive you.
  • Prepaid Card or Gift Card Payments: Scammers often ask for payment through prepaid cards, gift cards, or other digital currency. BPU does not accept these forms of payment. Click here to learn more about our billing options.

Your safety and well-being are our top concerns. If you’re unsure or suspect someone is trying to scam you, remember you have the power to say “no” and call us immediately.


Check out our video on tips to help you spot, avoid and report fraud.


540 Minnesota Avenue
Kansas City, KS 66101-2930
(913) 573-9000 Contact Us

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