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Customer Assistance Programs                                                          Staying on

      Offer Help When Needed                                                                Top of Poles

         As a community enterprise, BPU works with customers that experience financial hardship and   BPU is currently in year four of a 10-year
       those having difficulty making utility payments, offering access to financial assistance programs   utility pole inspection program. To date,
       and resources and flexible payment programs. BPU has allotted $625,000 to these programs in   almost 19,000 of nearly 58,000 wooden
       2024, which will help up to 1,500 local households in need.                          poles in its system have been inspected,
                                                                                            with close to 1,300 poles being replaced.
       n Customer Payment Hardship Program – Assists in                                     Programs like this help improve system
         offsetting utility expenses related to unemployment/                               reliability and public safety throughout
         income status, health emergencies, etc. Administered                               the community.
         by the United Way, call 913-371-6772 or 2-1-1 for more
         info and eligibility requirements.

       n Utility Assistance Program – Funding disbursed via
         the United Way to several human service partner
         agencies including Avenue of Life, El Centro, Cross-
         Lines, and others. Dial 2-1-1 to learn more.

       n Utility Payment Arrangement Options – BPU
         understands that special circumstances arise and will
         work with customers on payment options to assist
         whenever possible.  Call 913-573-9145 to inquire.
       n Life Support Program – If you or someone in your home uses an oxygen concentrator, dialysis
         machine, ventilator,  respirator, aspirator/suction machine, or has an electric motorized wheel
         chair, your account may qualify as “life support”. Life Support customers can receive priority
         restoration efforts during power outages and may be eligible for additional financial assistance.
         For additional information, call 913-573-9190.                                    Convenient Payment
                                                                                           Sites Near You!

      Fall Home Weatherization Tips                                                        conveniently make utility payments at 30+
                                                                                             BPU customers can quickly and

        As the cold weather months approach, weatherizing your home can reduce energy      PaySite Kiosks located around Wyandotte
      consumption and save households on average up to 25% on heating costs. A few simple   County or the region, including two at
      tips can protect your home from the outside elements and cold weather.               BPU’s downtown offices. These kiosks take
                                                                                           cash or check, provide you with a payment

       ✓Seal Up Air Leaks – caulking or adding weatherstripping around windows,            receipt, and are free to use. Other payment
         baseboards, basement walls, etc. seals leaks, and keeps cold air and moisture out.
                                                                                           options include phone, mail, online, bank

       ✓Replace Furnace Filters – this improves air quality and helps HVAC systems work    draft, drop-box, etc.
         more efficiently and use less energy.                                               Go to and

       ✓Add Door Sweeps - putting sweeps on the base of exterior doors keeps out cold air   enter your zip code for a map of locations
         and moisture. A 1/8” gap can let in as much air as a window that’s open halfway.  near you, or call 1-877-876-7076. WyCo

       ✓Seal Switches - outlets and light switches on outside walls can be a source of drafts,   kiosk locations include:
         install switch-sealing gaskets to stop air infiltration.                            n  BPU headquarters, 540 Minnesota Ave.
                                                                                             n  Price Chopper, 7600 State Ave.

       ✓Set Ceiling Fans to Rotate Counterclockwise - this moves air downward and better     n  Hen House, 8120 Parallel Pkwy.
         circulates heated air in the winter.                                                n  Sun Fresh, 241 S. 18th St.
                                                                                             n  Sun Fresh, 2803 S. 47th St.
                                                                                             n  El Rio Bravo Supermarket, 11 S. 10th St.
                                                                                             n  Conoco, 616 S. 7th St.
                                                                                             n  Fast Fred’s Market,
                                                                                             1806 N. 18th St.
                                                                                             n  Happy Foods North,
                                                                                             5420 Leavenworth Rd.

        For those that need it, the Kansas Weatherization Assistance Program helps
        low-income households cover the cost of heating, cooling, and energy efficiency
        improvements – free of charge. For more information or to enroll, go to or call 785-242-6413.
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