Page 1 - Fall 2023 BPU Connection PDF - FINAL
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CONNECTION                                             Our mission: to focus on the needs of our

                                                                                          customers, to improve the quality of life in
                                                                                          our community while promoting safe,

                                                                                          reliable and sustainable utilities.
                            Serving the Water and Electric Needs of Kansas City, Kansas                         FALL 2023
                                                                                        3     Support Program 6            7
                                                                                              Residential Life-
                                                                          Supplier Diversity                      Scam Alert

     Energy Savings & Safety

     Tips to Prepare for Winter

       With Fall bringing milder temperatures, now is the time to tackle weatherization
     and energy-efficiency improvements in your home or business in preparation for
     colder weather. The transition period between the cooling and heating seasons
     provides an opportunity to assess and undertake ways to reduce one’s energy
     consumption, ensure a safe home environment, and identify other ways to save.
     From sealing cracks and gaps around windows and doors, servicing a heating
     system, or testing smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors, there are
     numerous things homeowners can do this time of the year.

                                              For more tips and information, see pages 4-5.

    DID YOU                            Committed to Sustainability
          KNOW?                        and the Community

    Nearly half of all energy            As a not-for-profit public electric and water utility, BPU’s goal is to not only provide
    costs come from HVAC               safe, reliable, and affordable services to its customers – but to also make a positive
    systems. Replacing your            impact on the environment and quality of life in the community. This includes
    furnace filter regularly           award-winning Social Responsibility efforts and a Sustainability Plan that focus on
    can reduce annual energy           Performance, the Environment, and Quality of Life, among other things.
    costs by 5-15%.

                     *Dept. of Energy  In 2005, renewable “green energy” from wind, solar, and hydro-
                                       power comprised less than 4.5% of BPU’s generation portfolio.
                                       Today, 48% of BPU’s energy now
                                       comes from renewable energy!

                                                                    Continued on page 6
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