Page 6 - Fall 2023 BPU Connection PDF - FINAL
P. 6

Meeting Community Needs Continued from page 1

     PERFORMANCE                                                           THE ENVIRONMENT

       The utility is continually                                             Working to reduce its impact on the environment
     working to improve – monitoring                                       and improve community health, BPU has cut its carbon
     and analyzing performance data,                                       emissions by more than 50% since 2005 (a reduction of
     implementing performance                                              1.68 million tons less emission) by switching to “greener”
     metrics, and seeking inputs and                                       renewable energy sources. Conservation measures also
     priorities through customer and                                       reduce water usage and waste, and minimize the impact
     stakeholder surveys and inputs.                                       on wildlife and waterways.
     BPU has once again exceeded
     all federal and state water safety
     standards. In addition, on an
     annualized basis in 2022 the
     average customer experienced
     1.69 service interruptions,
     totaling 2.5 hours, with service
     restored within 1.5 hours*.
                                                                           QUALITY OF LIFE

       BPU conducted 41,000                                                   BPU works to not only provide best-in-class utility

          tests on 8,700 water                                             services, but to improve the daily lives of its customers
          samples last year to                                             working to provide timely and accurate information,
                                                                           improving reliability and reducing outages, and
    ensure safe, potable, and                                              supporting community initiatives. BPU provided
       reliable drinking water                                             $225,000 in utility assistance to customers in 2022, and

           for the community.                                              more than $1.5 million since the program’s inception.
                                                                           In December 2022, the BPU Board authorized another
                                                                           $250,000 in utility assistance for use in 2023.

     DID YOU                                   Residential

           KNOW?                               In-Home Life

                                               Support Program

                                                  If you or someone in your home uses an
                                               oxygen concentrator, dialysis machine, ventilator,
                                               respirator, aspirator/suction machine or electric
                                               motorized wheelchair, your account may be able
                                               to be identified as life support.

                                                  Contact the dedicated BPU life support
                                               line at  913-573-9928 to request the required
                                               paperwork and verification procedures. If a
     BPU maintains 19,000 streetlights in      power outage should occur in your area, BPU will
     our community. Call 913-573-9522          work to restore services as soon as possible, but
     to report any streetlight issues,         outages may last for minutes, hours or in severe
     providing a pole number, address or       cases, several days.
     cross streets, and the problem.              Life support status does not indicate or guarantee that your power will be restored
                                               immediately, so it is advised that participants always have a contingency plan in place
                                               should an outage occur, such as a backup power source or a plan for relocating until your
       6  |  FALL 2023                         power is restored.
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