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                             THE PERFEC

        Home Weatherization Saves

          Older homes can lack adequate air barriers to protect them from the natural
        elements like wind, snow, and cold/hot weather.  With a significant amount of
        energy usage from furnaces and a/c units, weatherizing your home can significantly
        increase its energy efficiency, leading to reduced energy usage.
          Weatherizing reduces leaks around the perimeter of a home, and includes sealing
        air ducts, bypasses, recessed lighting, as well as cracks around windows, doors, etc.
        This added insulation supplements the barrier between the air inside and outside
        your home, improving its energy efficiency, which can result in savings of more
        than 25 percent on some energy bills. A weatherized home isn’t just great for saving
        money – it also helps the environment. Energy conservation leads to less carbon
        dioxide and greenhouse gas emissions, which contribute to global warming.

          Weatherizing a home is not dependent on income.
        For those that might not be able to afford the upfront costs, the U.S. Department
        of Energy (DOE) has weatherization assistance programs in all 50 states. The Kansas
        Weatherization Assistance Program helps low-income households cover the cost of
        heating, cooling, and energy efficiency improvements – free of charge. It’s funded
        by the DOE and the Low-Income Energy Assistance Program.
          At no charge, income-eligible families can receive a comprehensive home energy audit, assessing their entire home.
        Certified energy auditors will inspect a home, inside and out, looking for inefficiencies and safety concerns using
        advanced  equipment and  identify  a  customized account  of  areas  for cost-effective improvements.  The  improvements
        will be provided free of charge by a network of professional crews and contractors. For more information or to enroll, go to or call 785-242-6413.

       Simple Ways to Lower                                  Save money and energy while staying comfortable during cold weather.

       Energy Costs this Winter                              From quick fixes to daily activities, below are simple and inexpensive
                                                             things you can do to ensure maximum savings this winter.
       Take Advantage of Heat from              Adjust the Temperature                  Maintain Your Heating
       the Sun                                  • When you are home and awake, set the   Systems
       • Open curtains on the south-facing       thermostat as low as is comfortable.   • Schedule routine service for home
        windows during the day to allow          • When you are asleep or out of the house,   heating systems.
        sunlight to naturally heat the home and   turn the thermostat back to save as   • Replace furnace and heat pump filters
        close them at night to reduce the chill   much as 10% a year on your heating and   once a month or as needed.
        from cold windows.                       cooling bills.                         • Use a humidifier. Moist air feels warmer
                                                 • A smart or programmable thermostat     and cuts down on static electricity.
       Cover Drafty Windows                      can make it easy to set back your
       • Use a heavy-duty, clear plastic sheet on   temperature. But make sure the      Find and Seal Leaks
                                                 temperature is comfortable for pets!
        a frame or tape clear plastic film to the   • If you have a heat pump, maintain a   • Seal air leaks around utility cut-throughs
        inside of window frames during the cold   moderate setting or use a programmable   for pipes ("plumbing penetrations"), gaps
        winter months. Make sure the plastic is   thermostat specially designed for use   around chimneys and recessed lights in
        sealed tightly to the frame to help reduce   with heat pumps.                     insulated ceilings, and unfinished spaces
        infiltration.                                                                     behind cupboards and closets.
       • Install  tight-fitting,  insulating  drapes  or                                • Add caulk or weather-stripping to seal air
        shades on windows that feel drafty after   Lower Water Heating Costs              leaks around leaky doors and windows.
        weatherizing.                           • Keep the temperature of the water
                                                 heater to the warm setting (120°F). This
       4  |  FALL 2023                           will not only save energy – it will also
                                                 help avoid scalding.
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