Page 2 - Fall 2023 BPU Connection PDF - FINAL
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Track Your                                           BPU | president’s letter

     Utility Usage


                                                                 ROSE MULVANY HENRY
       BPU’s Energy Engage portal gives customers                                        President
     control over their utility usage, so you can                              BPU Board of Directors
     maximize your savings while minimizing your
     environmental impact.  This free tool offers
     real-time usage and cost information, insights    With seasonal changes taking         Board of Directors allocates $225,000
     into the environmental impact of usage,         place and the holidays just around the   of the annual budget to the Hardship
     conservation tips, and more.                    corner, this edition of BPU’s community   and Utility Assistance Programs, and
                                                     newsletter includes helpful information   in 2022, we approved an additional
                                                     for customers on how to weatherize a   allocation of $250,000 for use in 2023.
                                                     home, reduce energy usage, and remain    In addition, at the Board’s direction,
                                                     safe during the colder winter months.   BPU initiated its new BPU Low Income
                                                     Home weatherization assistance is      Rebate Program to assist some of
                                                     available for those in need and be sure   our most vulnerable residents with
                                                     to check out BPU’s YouTube page that   the recent rate increase. The Board of
                                                     includes videos on simple ways to save   Directors and Staff at BPU are committed
                                                     and helpful tools to assist customers.  to identifying state and federal programs
                                                       BPU continues to provide reliable,   that provide relief directly to consumers
                                                     quality electric and water service in   to assist them with reducing their
                                                       Wyandotte County, as it has for      utility bills. Further, BPU will continue
                                                          more than 100 years. As a not-    to aggressively pursue opportunities to
                                                          for-profit publicly owned entity,   apply for state and federal funding that
                                                        BPU’s primary mission remains       will hopefully assist our residents, ease
                                                     serving its residential, commercial, and   their utility burdens, and offset costs of
       It’s simple and easy. Log in to your account   industrial customers – while working   operating the utility.
     using the  “Manage Account” button at the       to improve the overall quality of life in   BPU’s commitment to reducing
     top of the homepage, then enter         the community.                         its environmental impact also
     your account number and sign in by clicking       Toward this goal, and in partnership   remains a top priority, with 48% of
     Energy Engage. If you don't have an existing    with the United Way of Greater Kansas   its generation portfolio now coming
     self-service  account,  sign                    City, BPU has provided more than $1.5   from renewable energy like wind,
     up  as a  “new user” and                        million in utility assistance to qualifying   solar, and hydropower.
     have immediate access.  For                     residents through its Hardship           As always, for the latest information
     questions or assistance, call                   Assistance and Utility Assistance      about BPU services and programs,
     913-573-9190.                                   Programs since their inception. Last   follow us on Facebook or Twitter or go
                                                     year, these programs helped nearly     to And don’t forget, BPU
                                                     600 local families – with even more    Board meetings are always open to the
                                                     anticipated in 2023. Every year, the   public, either in person or online.
      Safety First:

      Call 811 before you dig                          BPU Text Alerts

        In concert with Kansas One-Call, BPU           Helpful Info on the Go!
      helps customers dig safely by sending out
      “locators” to dig sites to mark the location       Stay up to date with personalized
      of buried water and electric lines.              BPU Text Alerts, including electric
      BPU serviced more than                           and water outage information, bill-
      15,000 Kansas One-Call                           ing and payment details, potential
      requests last year alone!                        water leaks and scheduled mainte-
                                                       nance alerts. Save 844-843-3500 to
       2  |  FALL 2023                                 your phone as BPU Texting.
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