Page 10 - Summer-2024-BPU Connection-WQR
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Regulations for Public Water Systems                 Monitored at the Treatment Plant
                            BPU routinely monitors for contaminants in your drinking   Secondary Drinking Water Contaminants
                         water.  The following tables show monitoring results for the
                  2024 Water Quality Report
                  2024 Water Quality Report
                         period of January 1 to December 31, 2023. All drinking water,                        Monitored Jan. – Dec. 2023
                         including bottled drinking water, may reasonably be expected   Surpassed          Average  Range
                         to contain at least small amounts of some contaminants. The   Standards  Substance  Units  SMCL  Detected  Detected
                         presence of these contaminants does not necessarily indicate that   Alkalinity as
                         the water poses a health risk.                       CaCO         ppm      NA     201      170-250
                            More information about contaminants and potential health
                                                                              Calcium      ppm      NA     72       61-84
                         effects can be obtained by calling the EPA’s Safe Drinking Water
                         Hotline at (800) 426-4791, or go to their Web site at www.epa.  Chloride  ppm  250  31     31
                            Have questions about drinking water quality?  Call or log-  Conductance   µmhos/cm  NA   817   760-920
                         on to these resources:
                                                                              Total Hardness
                            Kansas City Board of Public Utilities             as CaCO      ppm      NA     300      300
                            Water Processing Division
                                                                              Total Hardness    Grain/
                            Phone:   (913) 573-9272 or (913) 573-9284         as CaCO      Gallon   NA     17.5     17.5
                            E-mail address:
                                                                              Magnesium    ppm      NA     25       20-30
                            BPU Web site:
                                                                              Iron (Fe)    ppm      0.3    <0.01    <0.01-0.02
                         Laboratory Certification                             pH           S.U.     6.5-8.5  7.5    7.3-7.6
                            The National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation
                                                                              O-Phosphate  ppm      NA     0.59     0.43-0.80
                         Conference (NELAC) is a cooperative association of state
                         and federal agencies that establishes environmental laboratory   Potassium  ppm  NA  6.6   5.2-8.8
                         performance standards.  Its goal is to ensure environmental
                                                                              Silica       ppm      NA     14       12-16
                         laboratories produce known high-quality data. This data can then
                         form a  solid foundation for  public  health  and  environmental   Sodium  ppm  NA  62     53-72
                         management  decisions. BPU’s laboratory  has  been  nationally
                                                                              Sulfate      ppm      250    160      160
                         accredited under the National Environmental
                         Laboratory  Accreditation  Program                   Total Dissolved   ppm   500   500     500
                         (NELAP). NELAP is the program that                   Solids
                         implements the NELAC standards.  This is
                                                                              Metolachlor  ppb      NA     0.04     <0.05-0.11
                         accomplished by state and federal agencies
                                                                         Secondary contaminants are not regulated, but provide guidelines for producing good tasting and
                         that act as Accrediting Authorities.
                                                                         aesthetically pleasing water.
                         Water Quality Data                             *Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Rule
                            The following tables list all of the drinking water contaminants   Fourth Cycle (UCMR4)
                         which were detected during the 2023 calendar year. The presence                Sampling Period July 2019-Sept. 2020
                         of these contaminants does not necessarily indicate the water
                                                                                                           Average  Range
                         poses a health risk.  Unless noted, the data presented in this table   Substance  Units  MRL  Detected  Detected
                         is from the testing done January 1- December 31, 2023.  The
                         state requires us to monitor for certain contaminants less than   Manganese   mg/L    0.4   0.59   0.42-0.80
                         once per year because the concentrations of these contaminants
                                                                        Bromide            mg/L     5      58       50-66
                         are not expected to vary significantly from year to year.  Some of
                         the data, though representative of the water quality, is more than   Total Organic Carbon   mg/L    0.3   2.8   2.6-3.1
                         one year old.  The bottom line is that the water that is provided
                         to you is safe.                                HAA5               mg/L     -      20       1.4-36
                                                                        HAA6Br             mg/L     -      12       0.5-18
                         Additional Required Health Effects
                         Language:                                      HAA9               mg/L     -      30       1.9-50
                            Total Organic Carbon (TOC) has no health effects.   Chlorodibromoacetic Acid   mg/L    0.3   1.32   0.30-1.80
                         However,  total  organic  carbon  provides  a  medium  for  the
                                                                        Bromodichloroacetic Acid    mg/L     0.5   4.86   0.68-6
                         formation of disinfection byproducts. These byproducts include
                         trihalomethanes (THMs) and haloacetic acids (HAAs). Drinking   Dibromoacetic Acid     mg/L    0.3   1.11   0.61-1.70
                         water containing these byproducts in excess of the MCL may
                         lead to adverse health effects, liver or kidney problems, or nervous   Monobromoacetic Acid    mg/L     0.3   0.43   0.31-0.55
                         system effects, and may lead to an increased risk of getting cancer.
                                                                        Bromochloroacetic Acid    mg/L    0.3   4.9   0.5-7.1
                            Certain minerals are radioactive and may emit forms of
                                                                        Dichloroacetic Acid     mg/L    0.2   10.31   1.4-20
                         radiation known as photons and beta radiation. Some people who
                         drink water containing beta particle and photon radioactivity in   Tribromoacetic Acid     mg/L    2.0   2.0   2.0
                         excess of the MCL over many years may have an increased risk
                         of getting cancer.                             Trichloroacetic Acid    mg/L    0.5   8.23   2.0-14

                                                                         *Unregulated contaminant monitoring helps EPA determine where certain contaminants occur
                                                                           and whether the Agency should consider regulating those contaminants in the future.
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