Page 9 - Summer-2024-BPU Connection-WQR
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Monitored at Customer’s Tap                        Monitored June – Sept. 2023 1)  the mandatory Disinfection Byproduct  Testing for
         BPU                              90th   Range  Sites                         Haloacetic Acids (HAA) and  Total  Trihalomethanes
        Surpassed                                                                     (TTHM) during the third quarter of 2023 as required by
        Standards  Substance   Units   MCL   MCLG  Percentile  Detected  Over AL   Likely Source
               Copper    ppm   AL=1.3   1.3   0.480   0.073-   0    Corrosion of household      Kansas  Administrative Regulations.  KCBPU  monitors
                                                 0.710          plumbing systems; erosion   for HAA and  TTHM four times per year.  During
                                                                of natural deposits; leaching
                                                                from wood preservatives  the third quarter, the sample submitted to a contracted
                                                                                      lab was received out of temperature compliance.  The
               Lead     ppm   AL=0.015  0   0.0075   <0.0005-  0     Corrosion of household
                                                 0.0110         plumbing systems, erosion    KCBPU was not properly notified of the temperature
                                                                of natural deposits   violation by the  contracted  lab and  the  results  were
       * If present, elevated levels of lead can cause serious health problems, especially for pregnant women and young children. Lead in drinking water is primarily from   submitted to KDHE. KCBPU did return to monitoring
       materials and components associated with service lines and home plumbing. Your water system is responsible for providing high quality drinking water, but cannot
       control the variety of materials used in plumbing components. When your water has been sitting for several hours, you can minimize the potential for lead exposure   compliance prior to validation of the violation. KCBPU
       by flushing your tap for 30 seconds to 2 minutes before using water for drinking or cooking. If you are concerned about lead in your water, you may wish to have your   and the contracting lab have taken additional steps to
       water tested. Information on lead in drinking water, testing methods, and steps you can take to minimize exposure is available from the Safe Drinking Water Hotline or
       at                                          ensure this does not happen again in the future. Results
                                                                                      of regular monitoring are an indicator of whether our
               Monitored in the Distribution System             Monitored Jan. – Dec. 2023
                                                                                      drinking water meets health standards. No further action
         BPU                              Average  Highest  Range
        Surpassed   Substance   Units  MCL   MCLG  Detected  RAA   Detected  Likely Source  is required for this violation.
               Chloramines  ppm  4.0  4.0  2.55    2.74   1.20-3.50  Water additive used to    BPU’s Laboratory Services Division monitors
                                                                control microbes      the quality of the drinking water as it leaves the
               Chlorite  ppm  1.0    0.8  0.44    0.57   0.32-0.57  By-product of drinking water    treatment plant and also at customers’ taps to assure
                                                                disinfection          that the water is safe to drink. Currently there are
               HAA5     ppb   60     N/A  13 3)  14     0-21    By-product of drinking water
               (Haloacetic Acids)                               disinfection          1,200 regular sampling sites distributed widely around
               Total Coliform  %   Presence  0   0.68   N/A   0 – 2.2   Naturally present in the    our community.
                               <5% of                           environment              To produce the highest quality water for its
               TTHM (Total  ppb  80  N/A  22     23     0-37    By-product of drinking water    customers, BPU subjects it to rigorous treatment to
               Trihalomethanes)                                 chlorination          assure that sediment, harmful bacteria, protozoan
                                                                                      parasites, and certain minerals are removed. BPU
               Monitored at the Treatment Plant                                       regularly tests its water using sophisticated equipment
               Primary Drinking Water Contaminants                 Monitored Jan. – Dec. 2023  and scientifically advanced procedures.
         BPU                                 Average  Range                           Are Cryptosporidium and Giardia
        Standards  Substance   Units  MCL   MCLG  Detected  Detected   Likely Source  in my tap water?
               Atrazine   ppb   3      3     0.042   <0.05-0.110   Runoff from herbicide used
                                                                on row crops             These organisms have never been found in BPU’s
               Barium     ppm  2       2     0.115   <0.002-0.190  Discharge of drilling wastes;    treated water.  BPU’s water treatment process uses
                                                                discharge from metal refineries;    multiple barriers to prevent the risk of these protozoan
                                                                erosion of natural deposits
                                                                                      parasites being found in customer’s finished water.
               Beta/photon  pCi/L  50    0   6.12    6.12       Decay of natural and
               emitters                                         man-made deposits        Some people may be more vulnerable to contaminants
               Chlorine   ppb   800    800   110     <100 – 270   Water additive used to    in drinking water than the general population. Immuno-
               dioxide                                          control microbes      compromised persons such as individuals with cancer
               Chlorite   ppm  1.0     0.8   0.54    0.37 – 0.73   By-product of drinking water    undergoing chemotherapy, persons who have undergone
                                                                disinfection          an organ transplant, people with HIV/AIDS or other
               Cyanide    ppm  0.2     0.2   <0.025  <0.025     Discharge from steel/metal    immune system disorders, and some elderly persons and
                                                                factories; discharge from plastic
                                                                and fertilizer factories   infants can be particularly at risk from infections. These
                                                                                      people should seek advice about drinking water from their
               Fluoride   ppm   4      4     0.78    0.73– 0.82   Erosion of natural deposits;
                                                                water additive which promotes   health care providers.
                                                                strong teeth; discharge from
                                                                fertilizer and aluminum factories  In addition, the Safe Drinking Water Hotline offers
                                                                                      guidelines from the EPA/Centers for Disease Control
               Gross Alpha   pCi/L   15   0   3.86   3.86       Erosion of natural deposits
               emitters                                                               on appropriate means to lessen the risk of infection
               Nitrate (as N)   ppm   10   10   0.70   0.70     Runoff from fertilizer use; leaching   by  Cryptosporidium  and  other  microbiological
                                                                from septic tanks, sewage;    contaminants.  For information, call EPA’s toll-free
                                                                erosion of natural deposits  number at (800) 426-4791, or go to their Web site at
               Radium 226    pCi/L   5   0   <1      <1         Erosion of natural deposits
               Radium 228   pCi/L   5   0    <1      <1         Erosion of natural deposits
               Selenium   ppb   50     50    <5      <5         Erosion of natural deposits
                                                                                      1)  BPU tap water has had very low levels of copper and lead. For this reason, KDHE
               Total Organic   ratio    TT Removal  N/A   2.00    1.00-2.77   Naturally present in the    placed BPU on a reduced-monitoring frequency of once every three years. The data
               Carbon          ratio >1                         environment             presented in the report are from the most recent testing done in accordance with
                                                                                        the regulations.
               Turbidity   NTU    TT=1.0   N/A   0.07   0.03-0.12   Soil runoff causes water    2)   Annual Average
                               max TT<0.3                       cloudiness by suspended    3)   Running Annual Average
                          %    95% of        100%    100%       matter                4)   EPA considers 50 pCi/L to be the level of concern for beta particles.
                               the time                                               5)   The monthly Total Organic Carbon (TOC) removal ratio is calculated as the ratio
                                                                                        between the actual TOC removal and the TOC rule removal requirements. The ratio
               Uranium    ppb   30     0     1.8     1.8        Erosion of natural deposits  shown is the average of the ratios for the 12 months of this reporting period.
                                                                                      Please Note: Because of sampling schedules, results may be older than 1 year

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