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     Customer Survey                             BPU | president’s letter
     Results Improve

     Performance and

     Services                                                      THOMAS GRONEMAN

                                                                               BPU Board of Directors

                                                       I appreciate this opportunity to   Programs, which in coordination
                                                    update you on a variety of issues as part   with the United Way can help offset
                                                    of the Summer 2024 BPU Connection/    utility expenses for those in need or
                                                    Water Quality Report. This newsletter   experiencing unplanned emergencies.
                                                    is printed and distributed to all utility   The utility has committed $625,000 to
                                                    customers several times throughout    these programs in 2024, and nearly $2
                                                    the year, providing current information   million since their inception – with more
                                                    directly to your doorstep while helping   than 1,100 households receiving help
                                                    customers navigate the services,      last year. BPU also recognizes special
      BPU regularly uses customer and community     programs, and initiatives offered by BPU.  circumstances arise and can provide
     inputs to help identify areas for new,            In addition to providing critical    payment options, so the sooner a
     expanded, or improved service – including      utility functions in Wyandotte County,   customer reaches out the more BPU and
     customer surveys. BPU recently completed       as a not-for-profit publicly owned utility   others can do to assist them.
     a comprehensive survey of residential and      BPU also prioritizes how it can meet the   While always working to better the
     commercial customers conducted by the ETC      individual needs of its customers, while   community, BPU also remains focused
     Institute, a national leader in market research   simultaneously working to improve the   on meeting the community’s electric
     that helps municipal governments gather and    overall quality of life in the community   and water needs. Most recently, BPU has
     use survey data to enhance performance and     it serves.                            been recognized as one of the country’s
     services.                                         From its commitment to renewable   most reliable and safe electric utilities,
      The objective was to assess customer          “green” energy (48% of BPU energy     receiving the Reliable Public Power
     satisfaction with the delivery of utility      comes from wind turbines, solar, and   Provider (RP3) “Diamond Award” from
     services, compare performance to other         hydro energy today), to its popular   the American Public Power Association
     regional/national providers, and to set a new   Summer Youth Program, to the recent   (APPA) for its sustained commitment
     benchmark for performance that will provide    Employee Foundation “Hygiene          to performance and industry leading
     valid comparisons moving forward. The three-   Drive” for local families – BPU and its   standards.
     page survey was sent to a random sampling      employees are vested in the community   While BPU has accomplished several
     of residential and commercial customers, with   in which we all live, work, and play.   priorities and objectives at this mid-
     more than 600 respondents taking part.         In fact, this newsletter profiles a few   point of 2024, the utility will continue
      The results are currently being evaluated,    of the on-going educational, safety,   working to improve and do better –
     while indicating BPU compares favorably to     and community outreach visits and     identifying ways to be more efficient,
     other utilities both nationally and regionally.   interactions led by BPU staff with local   expand communications, reduce costs,
     Going forward, the findings will be used to    school children, community leaders, and   and ensure customer service excellence.
     guide both strategic and day-to-day decisions,   others.                             As public servants, BPU and its
     resource allocation, and programming              One impactful way BPU assists      employees appreciate the opportunity
     in the areas of customer service, account      customers is through its Utility      to serve you and take its responsibility
     management, communications, and more.          Assistance and Hardship Assistance    to the community to heart.

       DID YOU KNOW?                              PAPERLESS

    1-855-BPU-BILL                                BILLING

       Pay Your Utility Bill  by Phone            Over 16,000 customers
                                                  have signed up for paperless
                                                  billing, making the GREEN
                                                  CHOICE to have their bills
                                                  delivered electronically.
                                                  Join the paperless movement
                                                  today!  Enroll using your BPU
                                                  online account, or call
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