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BPU Employees Deliver
BPU | general manager’s report
for Local Kids
General Manager Note that this edition of BPU Connection
also includes results of the utility’s 2024
Water Quality Report, which indicates BPU
continues to meet and exceed all water
In addition to its primary mission of safety standards and guidelines in providing
providing quality, dependable electric safe, reliable water service to Wyandotte
and water service to customers and County. The utility is also pleased to be one
the community, BPU works to ensure of only four public utilities to receive the
best-in-class customer service and “Directors Award” from the Partnership for
convenience while doing so. Through Safe Water this year, recognizing 15 years of
proactive communications, transparency, on-going excellence by BPU from this joint
and accessibility efforts – BPU remains EPA, AWWA, and AMWA program. Moreover,
committed to keeping customers informed BPU is pleased that its printed customer
Comprised of dedicated BPU employees
about the numerous services, products, newsletter, the BPU Connection, has been who regularly volunteer and donate their time
and programs the nonprofit municipal recognized with a “Gold Stevie” Award for and money to assist local charities, members
utility offers. Best Newsletter/Publication by the American of the BPU Employee Foundation give back to
This includes on-going evaluation and Business Awards (ABA) for its content, helpful the community through volunteer work, civic
review of the services it provides, how it information, and design efforts. support, and philanthropy.
provides them, and where adjustments With the Kansas City region experiencing
or improvements can or should be made. multiple severe weather outbreaks and Recently, this group partnered with Giving
To this end, BPU recently completed widespread power outages this Spring, the Basics, collecting nearly 1,500 items as
a comprehensive customer survey – BPU’s online customer Outage Map and its part of a utility-wide “Hygiene Drive” to gather
and distribute needed items to area students.
soliciting input from hundreds of various Power Outage Restoration webpage and The Foundation also held a raffle that raised
stakeholders and providing benchmark restoration protocols infographic helped enough funds to purchase an additional 1,500
evaluations with other utilities. These keep the community informed when outages toothbrushes.
results will be used to help set future did occur, and the processes necessary to
priorities, identify areas for improvement, get them restored as quickly and safely In March, the group donated funds to
and assist with strategic planning efforts. as possible. While every community was sponsor the community Easter Egg Hunt at
BPU has also recently launched several affected, the utility’s year-round vegetation Big Eleven Lake in Kansas City, KS.
new customer service features and tools, with management/tree trimming efforts helped If you or your organization might benefit
the primary focus being added customer minimize the impact of these storms in BPU’s from the Foundation’s work or if you’re
convenience. This includes a new online service territory. interested in assisting or donating, they can
MyMeter customer account management As a nonprofit publicly owned utility, be reached at
tool providing account access and services BPU appreciates the opportunity to provide
24/7, as well as the new BPUInPerson feature electric and water service to the residents Recent BPU Accolades
which now offers customers an opportunity and businesses of Wyandotte County, and will
for one-on-one, in-person meetings with continue working to make a positive impact
BPU support specialists if more personalized across the entire community as it has for more Reliable Public Power
assistance is needed. than 100 years. Provider (RP3)
“Diamond Award”
American Public
BPU Annual Charity Golf Tournament Power Association
Sept. 14, 2024 – Dub’s Dread Golf Course, KCK
“Gold Stevie” Award
Registration for the 2024 BPU Charity Golf Tournament is now Best Publication/
open. This year’s event kicks off with registration and a continental Customer Newsletter
breakfast at 7:00 a.m., followed by a shotgun start at 8:00 a.m. American Business Awards
The team entry fee is $500.00 and includes green fees, cart,
refreshments on the course, and an awards dinner with prizes
after the tournament. The registration deadline is Aug. 26, 2024.
To register or sponsor this fundraiser which has contributed more Partnership for Safe Water
than $779,000 to local children’s organizations since its inception, 15 Year “Directors Award"
contact EPA, AWWA, AMWA
SUMMER 2024 |