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CONNECTION                                             Our mission: to focus on the needs of our

                                                                                          customers, to improve the quality of life in
                                                                                          our community while promoting safe,

                                                                                          reliable and sustainable utilities.
                            Serving the Water and Electric Needs of Kansas City, Kansas                      SUMMER 2024

                                                                                               BPU in the
                                                                                                                BPU Text
                                                                          Customer Survey   2  Community 4      Alerts 7

                                 Safe, Reliable Water When You Need It

                                  A critical natural resource, water plays a vital role in daily   transport the water, or extensive testing that occurs
                                 life serving an essential purpose for health, hydration,   daily at the utility’s on-site water-testing laboratory –
                                 hygiene, and more. It also delivers fire protection,   BPU employees work every day to ensure safe reliable
                                 health security, supports the economy, and improves the   water for Wyandotte County.
                                 overall quality of life throughout the community.   In 2023, BPU produced 10 billion gallons of safe
                                  BPU works to protect and maintain this valuable   drinking water, with its state-of-the-art certified
                                 resource, promoting conservation, environmental   laboratory conducting over 41,800 tests on 8,700
                                 standards, and sustainability. BPU’s nationally   water samples. The water system has the capacity to
                                 recognized water distribution system services 53,000   produce 72 million gallons of water per day (MGD),
                                 customers, including 4,200 businesses, with more than   while maintaining 20 million gallons of reserve water
                                 1,000+ miles of water lines and 6,200 fire hydrants over   in elevated storage tanks and reservoirs to ensure
                                 a 150 sq. mile area. From designing and building capital   dependable potable water is available 24 hours a day,
                                 water projects, maintaining the mains and lines that   7 days a week, 365 days a year.

      Conservation Saves & Lowers Costs                    BPU Launches MyMeter
        The average American family uses 300+ gallons of water
      per day at home. By using water-saving technologies and   A New Online Customer Portal
      taking a few simple steps, your household can significantly
      reduce its overall water consumption – helping protect   To provide customers with a more
      the environment, ensuring a finite resource for future   seamless user-friendly experience, BPU
      generations, and even helping reduce utility costs.   has launched a new individual utility
                                      Continued on page 7   account management tool where
                                                            customers can review and pay their bills,
     DID YOU KNOW?                                          set up auto payments, monitor electric
                                                            and water usage, and more!
                                                             The new service, called MyMeter,
      BPU’s water is not taken from the Missouri            replaces the previous customer self-service portal – and includes an app feature
      River, but rather from an aquifer that                providing access from anywhere. This new tool is just one more way that BPU
      lies beneath the river and gets its water             is working to ensure customers have instant, easy access to the key utility
      from melting ice from mountain ranges in              information they want and need.
      Wyoming and Montana.                                                                                 See page 6 for more details

                     2024 WATER QUALITY REPORTREPORT See Pages 8-11
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